heart with cross

No doubt, the home-school and quiverfull world has been rocked with the latest news of Josh Duggar’s infidelity and sin.  In fact, many Christians are dismayed, disturbed and even disgusted.  Someone who has come from a strong Christian home, been in Christian leadership, with a beautiful wife and children,  has fallen. Plenty has been written about how he needs to repent, and how God can forgive him; and yes He can!

I believe we should learn several things from this.  Here are a few I can think of.

No amount of Christian upbringing can be a 100% guarantee for pure, Christian living.  I have wonderful Christian friends who daily wonder where they went wrong.   I watched them raise their children and know the prayer and devotion that went into their child-rearing.  Yet, some of them agonize over their prodigal children.  The fact is – we all have to make our own decisions as we grow older.  We live in a fallen world and we sin.  Satan will stop at nothing to destroy us.  We’re warned to, “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil…”   (1 Peter 5, NLT)

Homeschooling does not save you.  I have wonderful friends on both sides of the aisle on this.  Those who lovingly homeschool their children, and those who lovingly send theirs to public school.   I have seen homeschool children leave the Christian faith, and I have seen some of the strongest Christians come through the public school system.  There are arguments for both

We can protect, shelter, shield and even shut ourselves off from the world, but the truth is – we have an enemy who will find us.   Continuing the passage from 1 Peter 5, “…he (satan) prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”   There is only one thing that can protect us, “…stand firm against him and be strong in your faith.”  Whether we are schooled at home or in another building….if we are not teaching our children to be strong in the faith, they are defenseless as they become adults.

Making judgment calls about either side benefits nobody.  Sadly, I have heard derision for the “other side” from both homeschoolers and traditional school people, whether they be parents, students or those who hold opinions of one of the other.   WHERE one chooses education for their children should not be a litmus test for one’s salvation.  Pride should have no place in our conversation.  But sadly, that is not the case.   I have to be honest, I have heard this come from those who homeschool more than the other way around.

FINALLY...and this gets to the gist of this blog and Josh Duggar’s problem.

Only the Maker of our hearts can purify us through the blood of Jesus Christ.   Only He can cleanse us from all unrighteousness, as we confess our sins.  Not homeschooling or utilizing public         education, having 20 kids or 2, leading a ministry or working in the worldly job force, abstaining from alcohol or having a glass of wine, having Christian parents or raised by heathens, wearing long denim skirts or short denim shorts,  having long hair or short, dating or courting,  wearing khakis or denim jeans, and the list goes on.

As people try to DO what it takes to be right with God, failure comes hard.  The more we worry about appearance management, the further we drift from the cross of Jesus Christ.  It’s a heart issue, plain and simple…and from a purified heart comes the right actions.

No amount of restrictions can come close to changing a life;  only realizing our dire need for a changed life through the power of the Holy Spirit, by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Maybe, just maybe, if we figure out we need Jesus to purify us from all unrighteousness, we will have touched the hem of His garment….and be saved.